Jun 13, 2024

Leadership should never be a popularity contest….if it is, it usually ends up creating (more…)

Jun 07, 2024

đź’–What’s your relationship with “Uncertainty” like RIGHT NOW? And conversely, how are you feeding your need for “Certainty”?

What score would you give (more…)

Jun 07, 2024

🚀So, why bring me, and Black Bull Performance Group, on board to boost your team’s success? Well, I’ve been (more…)

Jun 07, 2024

We’ve put together these 3 End of Financial Year (EOFY) offers for you, available until midnight on 30 June 2024.

So what are they? (more…)

Nov 02, 2023

How has 2023 been for you? A great year, an average year or a year to improve upon? The last of our popular 2 Day Online Leadership Intensive courses will be held (more…)

Aug 14, 2023

How is your emotional fitness? How would you even begin to describe it, let alone rate it? (more…)

Aug 14, 2023

Congratulations on Black BullPerformance Group being announced as a Finalist (more…)

Aug 14, 2023

On Tuesday 5 September  & Wednesday 6 September  we are running our next 2 Day Leadership Intensive online. (more…)

Nov 15, 2022

“Senior leaders often receive most of their leadership training during the (more…)

Nov 14, 2022

What outdated habits do you see in your workplace / organisation? The larger the organisation the (more…)

Nov 14, 2022

The article linked to this post discusses a recent study of 4,500 people by the Hay Group which showed that (more…)

Nov 07, 2022

Today I came across a great article from Psychology Today by Nir Eyal. It’s 3 key points are:


May 23, 2021

There’s a lot of literature at present around the “leader as coach”. (more…)

May 06, 2021

We are all the authors of our own individual stories. As leaders, we (more…)

Apr 29, 2021

Today in the news …… (more…)

Apr 29, 2021

According to Deloitte, more than 10,000 baby boomers are retiring every day. (more…)

Jul 14, 2020

Teaching Leadership. How do you teach others to be a great leader? (more…)

Jul 02, 2020

How are you moving along your leadership path? Do you stumble from (more…)

Jun 22, 2020
A 2020 Forbes article discussed the 6 leadership priorities for boards beyond the


Jun 18, 2020

Have you ever played a match of contact sport? Felt the adrenaline racing through your veins? The flurry of (more…)

Jun 17, 2020

Following demand from clients,  we have introduced a “New Leaders Program”. It’s a 1 Day virtual group training program for (more…)

Jun 16, 2020

Are you ready to take your leadership up a gear? Leadership is MANY things and yet, (more…)

Jun 13, 2020

What was important to you as a child? Was it loyalty, friends, adventure , challenge or was it (more…)

Jun 11, 2020

Your actions today will have consequences tomorrow and into the future. Those consequences will either (more…)

Jun 10, 2020

Life is all about choice. We choose our roles. Our employees choose to work for us. Our customers choose to purchase (more…)

Jun 09, 2020

What if, for a moment, we dare to think differently. We create our own future through our decisions and choices. What (more…)

Jun 08, 2020

Has fear ever stopped you from being who you want to be? Maybe it’s prevented you from applying for (more…)

Jun 05, 2020

Last year, my company Black Bull Performance Group was a finalist in the 2019 Local Business Awards. We have just commenced (more…)

Jun 03, 2020

Adversity introduces us to ourselves. We have to balance out adversity with gratitude. Right now, is uncertainty a big (more…)

Jun 02, 2020

Are you chasing gold? For some behavioural styles the journey has a purpose. For others, the journey itself is the purpose. (more…)

Jun 01, 2020

What is perfect? It varies from one person to another. If it is such an elusive and illusive thing, why do so many people (more…)

May 30, 2020

Do you prefer doing it alone? There is self help and there is help with self. If you are leaning (more…)

May 28, 2020

If CEOs want their teams to thrive, they would do well to leave behind some less-than-useful practices from the old normal. (more…)

May 26, 2020

Everybody is living their own story. Does the plot of your life still make sense to you? Perhaps, although you thought (more…)

May 25, 2020

Question for all Board Directors. How does your board record and keep alive learnings from the ongoing board experience? If learnings (more…)

May 24, 2020

Question for you. You have one day left to live – what do you do? (more…)

May 23, 2020

Question for you. “I’d rather die on my feet than live on my knees” – what comes up for you when you hear that? It must be impactful because (more…)

May 22, 2020

Who is in your corner? We all need an effective support team. All leaders need an accountability partner, a validation partner and a coach. (more…)

May 21, 2020

Who looks after the leaders? Many times in my career as a CEO I have been thrown into combative situations. Whether it’s an unfounded  malicious (more…)

May 20, 2020

The notion that one person can fix all problems is a nonsense. Yet as leaders we are so often burdened with expectations that we have answers to all problems, (more…)

May 19, 2020

How do you measure your effectiveness as a leader? Is it hitting targets, staff retention, share price or some other financial measure? (more…)

May 18, 2020

Aristotle said “Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.” The development of any individual influences subsequent results in life. (more…)

May 14, 2020

Is it easier to give up or keep pursuing your dream? The thing I’ve noticed recently is the number of businesses either pivoting or pushing through the obstacles. (more…)

May 13, 2020

“I alone can’t change the world but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” – Mother Teresa. Your actions can cause another to act more positively (more…)

May 11, 2020

What is truth? There are universal truths. The sun will rise. The sun will set. We need air and water to survive. Then there is our truth that we create for ourselves based (more…)

May 09, 2020

Are you seeing lots of goodwill at present? Relationships are built on our perceived value. Adding value creates long term relationships. Give without expecting in return. (more…)

May 08, 2020

Warren Buffet said that “in the business world, the rear view mirror is always clearer than the windshield”. Life itself is a jigsaw and you can only see how all the (more…)

Nov 13, 2018

How do you show people in your life (business and personal) that you care? (more…)

Nov 13, 2018

Are you a collector of board roles? Being a Non-Executive Director on a board is like buying a luxury car. (more…)

Jul 27, 2018

Would the person 100% responsible please stand up. I spent 4 seasons with (more…)